
Thursday, 26 September 2019

Kiwi Sport | Swimming

LI : To learn new life saving skills well using a life jacket.
This was our last session for swimming so we had some fun and used life jackets. We all got a life jacket an we went in the pool before we entered the pool we did a safe entry from what we learnt last week. We did got in a chain with a bunch of people by putting our hand in their life jacket and try to get from one side of the pool to another. We put our heads back and all of us used our legs to kick so we can move faster

We then did a huddle. So a group of people close together to keep warm by wrapping arms around each other if we were trapped in the ocean we would put old people or kids in the middle. Next was the H.E.L.P position. Which means heat escape lessening position. Basically we put our knees to our chest to keep us warm in emergencies. We tried to do a handstand underwater with the life jacket. But it could not be done but it could if someone pushed us down.

The last learning we did with the life jacket was how to enter water safely well wearing the life jacket. We first put one arm on a shoulder well another arm well be behind our head (to make sure we did not hit the wall with our head). Then step forward into the pool until you have fallen off (not like a jump into the pool).

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