
Wednesday, 31 October 2018


LI : To learn more about maori.
Today we did maori.We had to write in maori what the weather was like in the past.Day we had to write what monday was like sunday and more.We had to write in maori the same thing but do dates and more.It was kind of easy but hard.We also had to write what the weather was like.We could do this with people.When we did that all of find out answers to questions and it was easyer.We liked doing this as we also got a new idea about maori history.And had fun well doing it.

kiwi can

LI : To learn knew things in kiwi can
Today we did kiwi can.We frist made four lines they told us the mini game that we were going to play.Its called center ball we are gaven a number.When that number is called we run in a circle clock wise.When we did that we went in the center and garbed a ball.We did that and it was hard to do that as well.The thing we did when that was done was talk about respect.

We talked about respect for our school and our school rules.We talked about why do we break the rules and why we need rules.When that was done we played a new game it is called bus stop.I never played this game before so it was new.We were told we were gave a letter.We had to write a color and more.We played three rounds and it was fun I knew what to do.So at the last round we went the fastest but making sure its good.

Friday, 26 October 2018


Today I commented on leroy blog post.


Today I learnt my times table


LI : To learn how write fast.
Today I learnt how to write fast for work.


LI : To learn about parihaka and maori history.
On wensday we did maori.It was fun and the teacher brang a book.It was a story from last week and talked about some same things.They had a story about a place in new zealand called parihaka.It was a peaceful place that did not have fighting as there way.On day people came to live there.As the years came more and more people came.They were not new zealand but they still let them live there.One day there was not more space for people so they go mad.They wanted to fight but did not people left the place.Then war ships came to new zealand they wanted war they wanted parihaka but they did not give it to them.So when that was done we had to fine were parihaka is on google maps and on a map of new zealand.

line tag

LI : To learn to type fast and good for the test.
on thursday we did writing.We had to make a google doc and write a story about line tag.It had to bed done in 40 minutes.On monday we played the same game but we had to write a recount about it.I did the rules and so on.Well we were making the story we had to use T.R.E.E it means.TITLE REAVEL EVENTS ENDING.That is what I used to make a recount thats what we all did to make it.It was easy on monday.Then we did the same thing on thursday but we had to try harder on the test.It was not the real test but a perp test get us ready.


LI : To learn about main
Today me and my panther from last week made this.It is called M.A.I.N it has to do with WW1 it also means.Miltarism Aliances Imperialism Nationailsm.Before that me and the class was told what to do on M.A.I.N.We frist made a copy of a google drawing when we did we had to watch videos.We watch why WW1 started what M.A.I.N means and more.The frist video watch watch why WW1 started.It was when archduke franz ferdinand was killed and his wife.Then we had to make a copy of texts and put them into boxes.They were the meaings for M.A.I.N which is Militarism,Alilances,Imperialism,Nationalsim. 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Painted hoe

LI :to analyse a story for its conflict and resolution.
Today I did this.We had to make a DLO and it was about conflict and resloution.It was about a book called painted hoe.We had to do the same thing as last week,We had to fine a story like this.The story that I think that goes with this story is a peice of paradise.It is when two gods which could mean the european people and new zealand had peace.But then one day they had war at the end they make peace and work togther which also could mean the peace treaty.Also the task was the same thing last week.We had to fine the main people in the story, then fine the conflict that happens and the actions taken, to get the resloution.


LI : To learn how do boxing
Today I and group A did boxing.We lined up outside and went in we frist were told the rules.They are respect,discipline and safety.When we read the names we had to read what it said like respect.I will respect my coach and so on.When we did that we started to put the boxing gloves on.But we had a timer if we did not do it in 90 seconds we had to do a birby.Her name was pax and not one person had to do the briby but the whole team.When that was done we did a stance know as the rock we put our left foot foward.And our right foot back,We also bended our knees for power, and to not be pushed easy.The next thing we did was punches they were called jab and cross.We did the jab frist it was a punch but it was fast and had to be straight we used liners to make sure our hands dont get sweety.Ather a bit more we used our panther like a boxing bag.Not really they had to have there hand out and we had to punch it.Next was cross we had to move our leg for more power.It was easy but the leg moving not so much.We did the same thing it was also called hightfive we had to hit there hand with our right on there right.When that was done we did a combo we did the same thing with our panther.When that was done we tock our liners off and boxing golves.Then we went back to LS1

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Rotation selfie

LI: To create a google slide explains what you did and giving others activity's.
Today we finshed our slideshow.We frist had to go on a google from and fill out somethings that we do not know.I did not know much about geometry,just somethings but the rest I moslty did.When we did that the teacher that told us what to do gave us an idea of what we can do.As something someone can do like what we were told.So I did it you got the answer to the slide and you can put your name in.You will see an example of what your going to do.Like what the question is and were to put your answer.You will also get told an example and the answers.Then the orange things are the main parts to tell you the task an that.


LI: to identify gimmicks used to attract and persuade people to purchase products.
Today I finshed this slide show.We had to take images of ourself and more on this slide show.It was fun doing this and doing things such playing gimmick games and more.So the frist thing we did was join a group and talked.We were talking about answers to questions such as who created this media product.So when that was done we had to do three more slide to do it.The frist question we had to do was who created this media product.And the last one we had to do was what are some ways to get you audience.I learnt lots about media at frist I thought it was the internet but as the weeks keep on going its ads and newspapers and more.

Friday, 19 October 2018


Today I commented on sandra blog post.


Today I did mutli we did all types of times


Today I did keyboarding I had to write fast.


To learn about the causes, conflict, and resolution to World War 1 (WWI)
Today me and Hosea made this.It had to do with WW1.The frist thing we did was talking about peace and conflict.It was fun and then he told us the work,it was to make a slideshow about WW1.Ather that we had to fine a panther.Then we had to make a copy of this slideshow,well we did it they said that were going to be doing for the next 4 weeks.So the frist we did as well with our panther was to fine another pair and fine a word.It was not hard to fine it but the infomation was reading it.When that was done we all started with our panther and not our group.Then we had to write the meanings of all the words and the timeline of WW1.

Text types

LI: Recap on structure and language features of written texts
Today I made a slideshow,It had to do with text types.What I mean is that we frist had to fine what the produce one is explantion and the recount.It was not that hard,Next we had to make a copy of this slide.At the end of it we had boxes that had words in them like title.We got a hint and started to do it,We had to put the boxes in the right place.It tock me a while to do but I did it.Next we had to write words so the person who read them knew what it means.It was not that hard as I knew most of them but some did not.Next we had to grab arrows and point them to were it has to go.


LI : To make a activity for people to learm about measurement
Today I had to make a dlo about measurement.On monday we had to do a from.When we did we had do what we could not understand.Most of the things that were there I knew most.But i did not know much about measurement.Like L and Mg I did not get it.So I did it,We were called onto the mat a day later.We started to know more about this,So when it was done we had to make a activity for measurement.The task was kind of hard untill I knew could do the ways you do it.Like left is times and more.So ive done it you can learn more like I did about measurement.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018


LI: to analyse a story for its conflict and resolution.
Today I finshed my task of sparks.The task was to make a copy of a dlo,We frist read a story and add infomation for the dlo.The main idea is to read sparks and to write new infomation like the idea and the main people for the story.Next the was the conflict which means when people or whole bunch of them fight or get mad.This was in both of the storys and was not that hard to do.Ather that was an action,That was used to get the resloution.This had manyout comes for the book,And was fun finding each one.And the resloution,Which is the end.


LI : To learn about gimmicks
Today we started to do cybersmart.We were going to learn about a new thing called gimmicks,if you dont know what a gimmick is.A gimmick is when a person makes or tricks you to get there product.One gimmick is a spokeperson,they will talk about how good the product is,Or eat it.We started with talked about media.Then what type of media is there and why we need media.Then we went back to a slideshow and played a game.We had to make a website but it was a gimmick website.We made our own website,And used gimmicks to make people buy our product.


Today we did maori,The teacher told us a story on a book about how new zealand was made.And what happend.Then we watch a video of sand art.It had to do with the book.The said art told us about one tree hill and the kids,Of the mum.The story was that the father lived on top on his wife.When the kids were born they lived in a tight dark space.So one of them wanted out.A kid said kill them and go out,another said push them away.So thats what they did all of them but one tried to push them apart,It failed but one layed down on there back.And pushed using there feet to make them go apart,When they got out each of them became a god of something.Next we sang a song,And then was told who was the frist to discover new zealand.Ather that We went on a website about the people and tribes that lived in new zealand.

Kiwi Can

LI : To be respectful in kiwi can and be postive.
Today at LS1 went to kiwi.We frist said hi to new person,her name was called page.She was going to be miss's lili for a year.Now we talked about our topic.Our topic was called respect,And other other one which was also called respect for the school.Then we played a mini game,it was tag but the name of it,is no rules vs rules.So the frist part of the game had no rules.The next one had rules but it had some other rules like,slow motion and the teachers having a turn.This was fun,So ather it we started to talk about the topic.Then we went into another game,It was called roleplay and we had to roleplay shared lunch.