
Wednesday, 2 August 2017


Title assembiles

Learning Intention To think about how I can word/phrase my ideas so they are clear.

What did you learn?to Write as much as i can in 5 minutes then we had to read it loud to the class than we had time to change us mistakes in our writing lesson.

How did you learn? just by getting a book and Write as much as i can 5 minutes in our book we had to buddy up with an LS2 person once it has been 5 minutes we had to change our mistakes ather that we had to sher our story to the class than we had to tell our buddies our story than we had to buddy up with another pea they had to tell their story than we tell ours to them.

Embedded Digital Learning Object
2 Aug 2017 11:28:19.jpg

  • Writing
Choose the subject:

  • Writing
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs

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