
Thursday, 31 August 2017

Kiwi Can

today we done Kiwi can I learned more about self control and tips to focus more then we played bip bop bang then we went back to LS1

Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn new skills so we can impove my sport
LI: To get fit in run jump thorw

Today i done run jump thorw I learned new skills to impove my jumping
i learned by going to kiwi sport

my poem

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LI: to write a poem about feelings.
today i done a diamante poem I learned how make my poem effective and I learned what a diamante is and i had to write about feelings


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L.I: to separate fact from opinion.
L.I: to identify the main ideas in a text.
Today the read a book about possums it said that possum are bad I agree what the book said and i learned what a possum can do and what it is

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

vertices faces and edges

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  • LI:Explore and describe faces, edges, and corners of 2D and 3D objects
  • Make, name and describe polygons and other plane shapes

I learned what a vertice is and a face and a edge is

i learned by getting a random object


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I learned what a Antonym is a antonym means it have the opposite meaning.

i learned by using words smyth  to find out some antonyms.

Friday, 25 August 2017


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To identify purposes for poems.
To identify characteristics of poems.

I learned what a diamante,cinquain,haiku,limerick are.A diamante it has 7 lines.The pattern is the number of words and the types of words. A cinquain is a describeing poem.It has 5 lines.(Pattern) type of words and number of words and it doesnt rhyme.A haiku (pattern) syllables 5,7,5 it is a japanese poem. And a limerick has 5 lines it rhymes.The rhymes needed 1,2,5.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Kiwi Sport

Today i went to kiwi sport

I learned some new skills. They are jumping skills they were the basic jumping skills.I learned (the jumping skills) i learned that when you jump to must jump on two feet.And land on two feet ather the skills then we played a game their were ten carpets we had to get to the other side of the team. There a 2teams when we see a player we had to do paper siers rock if we won we had to keep on going if we lost we had to get back of the line.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

kiwi can

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 today i had done kiwi can and with Mr Malu we played a game and we learned about self control


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LI Find fraction of an amount
today i had done this maths work i had learned what a mixed fraction is and what a improper fraction is

i learned by making this google doc and i had to use the fractions
if i did not know what it was

Keyboarding Drills Level 3

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L.I: To use synonyms to make our writing more interesting
I learned about what a synonym is. It is something that is similar to something or some word.
I learned this by going onto the class blog. Then made a google doc.Then we used thesaurus to help us it is like a Online dictionary.we used it to complete this writing work.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

raz kids

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L.I is to talk about the book I read

today I readed a book named Maria family celebration 

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Kiwi Can

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Today lS1 went to Kiwi Can we played  bip bop bonce.Miss latoya will point at us and say Bip bop bonce and we had to say BANG! at the word bonce we had to sit down that ment i had lost.Later on
 Miss latoya tot us about controlling ourselves and our emotions.  

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

keyboarding drills

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 Today I did keyboarding drills 1.I learned by going on to this and I learned how to type fast


L.I Identify characteristics of a good team Identify characteristics of a good team member.
I made this game with a team and we had to make a game that had teamwork


Screenshot 2017-08-16 at 11.16.51 AM.pngLI:To identify Maths and what we have learnt on Maths week.I have been on maths week. I have been doing the activities and learning progressI  had to do maths to get some points 

Fact and Opinion

LI To separate fact from Opinion

I learned what a fact and a opinion is.

I learned by watching a youtube video.And I had to think of the facts and Opinion.And  I learned about what a fact is and a opinion and that a "Fact" and a "Opinion" are not the same.A opinion is what you think and a fact is something true.

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apostrophes and contractions

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LI: To use an apostrophe for contractions.
I learned to make long sentences short by using contractions
I learned by writeing under the lines or sentences and useing contractions

Friday, 11 August 2017

Kiwi Sport

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today we went to kiwi sport(run jump throw).we learned new skills in run jump throw
we learned by going to the holl and Andy tot us new things. Frist we played a game then she tot us new things to impove your running she tot us not to look at the sater when in a raze then she tot us some other stuff then ather played the game and that we had to go back to class

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

can do

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I learned new things by searching and making a animation

kiwi can

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LI: To stay positive in our feelings

i learned about new feelings and we had to work as a team

i learned by going into the class room and they tot us new things


Title Relationships

i learned new things about each other and new things about our relationships

Mr o put us in groups and we went on a padlet

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Keyboarding Drills

Keyboarding Drills Level 1

Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.

asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’

fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh

sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh



ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags

Ask Dad Slash Glad Fall Sasha Lash Salsa Shall Jag Haha Lag
Flask Dahl Hall Salads Ashfall Laksa Khaf Gall Jaffa Flags
i learnd to write batter in my Writing 

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Duck overbroad

title Duck overbroad

L.I To identify the main ideas in a text

Screenshot 2017-08-08 at 1.43.04 PM.pngScreenshot 2017-08-08 at 1.42.24 PM.pngScreenshot 2017-08-08 at 1.59.47 PM.png
 Now using the words you wrote down summarise the text in 25 words or less.Now using the words you wrote down summarise the text in 25 words or less.

in January 1992 a ship was carrying three containers in a storm the containers they had spilled thousands of rubber ducks were sent of  to sea from Hong Kong.

a and an

title a and an

Learning Intention To use “an” in front of words beginning with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)

To use “a” in front of words beginning with consonant sounds (the opposite of vowel sounds).

What did you learn? to write the an and a to make it correct

How did you learn? by making a google doc going on the class blog then copy and paste our work than yeah
Embedded Digital Learning Object
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Equivalent Fractions

L.I: To put fractions in order

I learned to make the fractions in order by making it biggest to smallest it was mixed up and we had to solve it.

i learned by using my times tables and making the halfs and other ones match each other hint their are 2 groups

Embedded Digital Learning Object
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2 words 1 minute

title 2 words 1 minute

Learning Intention To make sure that my sentences make sense

What did you learn? to write a lot in 1 minutes

How did you learn?we had to get our chromebooks and we had make a google doc than we had to get a panther than we had to write a lot than we had to get another panther well we still stayed in our peas but we needed to get 3 panthers the one was the teacher and then we had

to think of to words and so on

Embedded Digital Learning Object
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  • Writing
Choose the subject:

  • Writing
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs

Friday, 4 August 2017

vote me as prime minister

title vote me as prime minister
LI: to demonstrate understanding of persuasion and influence

What did you learn? to make a poster making people vote for me(influenceing
people to vote me)

how did you learn? i had to go on my dive and make a google darw and Write

Embedded Digital Learning Object
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Choose the subject:
  • Inquiry
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

water cycle, ecosystem, flight, Asia

Thursday, 3 August 2017


Title Imagery
Learning Intention to learn about the difference between persuasion and influence

What did you learn?how to tell if someone is being influence and what it means

How did you learn?by going on our class blog and going on imagery
Embedded Digital Learning Object
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  • Inquiry
Choose the subject:

  • Inquiry
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

water cycle, ecosystem, flight, Asia

Wednesday, 2 August 2017


Title assembiles

Learning Intention To think about how I can word/phrase my ideas so they are clear.

What did you learn?to Write as much as i can in 5 minutes then we had to read it loud to the class than we had time to change us mistakes in our writing lesson.

How did you learn? just by getting a book and Write as much as i can 5 minutes in our book we had to buddy up with an LS2 person once it has been 5 minutes we had to change our mistakes ather that we had to sher our story to the class than we had to tell our buddies our story than we had to buddy up with another pea they had to tell their story than we tell ours to them.

Embedded Digital Learning Object
2 Aug 2017 11:28:19.jpg

  • Writing
Choose the subject:

  • Writing
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs

History of New Zealand

Title History of New Zealand

Learning Intention To identify the main ideas in a text

What did you learn? We learned about when only men over 21 could only vote who was going to be the prime minister or a chief and that was in the olden days.I learned when the first ever program was launched in New Zealand and I learned about some kings in New Zealand, after we learned about some of the olden days we ask some questions then tell Miss Anderson

How did you learn?We learned by going on are chrome books and walking up to  LS2 then we went on there website then we got a piece of paper than we went on the website to get info to put on the piece of paper than we had to make a question we have 5 minutes to make one than we need to tell miss Anderson our question was "why did Britain want to take over New Zealand."

New questions I have thought about are:
When did the British come New Zealand?
Why did they want to take over New Zealand?
Why did Australia want to team up with them so they can be common rich?
Embedded Digital Learning Object2 Aug 2017 09:32:13.jpg

  • Reading
Choose the subject:
  • Reading
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Title Fractions

Learning Intention Identify simple unit fractions (½, ¼, ⅓, 1) - shapes

What did you learn? i learned to make the shapes even and new info about the shapes

How did you learn? by making a google draw and sending it to lukah than we had to go on the class blog and see what we have to do

Embedded Digital Learning Object
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  • Maths
Choose the subject:

  • Maths

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

number bonds, times tables, fractions, addition, subtraction