
Friday, 28 September 2018


LI : To how to make things.
Today me and someone else.We had to make a tunnel.It was hard and we had to use things to make the bridge that where also hard to use well.The hardest thing about it is foundtion.The reason why our bridge was bad is because we started on something that really could not help the tunnel well.So on thursday we started to do something new.It was making a foundation.It was easyer to make this with the plan but later failed because things started to fall or did not really work at all.We lost hope quick but tried and failed.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Kiwi Sport

LI : To learn how to swim
Today the Y5s went onto a bus and into swimming.We got changed and first swam on our back and kick our feet really fast.We did this 3 times before doing jellyfish.Jelly fish was when you put you knees up then made a triangle shape and putting it in the middle fast.This was hard to do as I and others were knew to doing something like this.Next we did swimming under water.The frist thing we did was to garb a toy and chuck it and go under water or duck dive.Duck dive is when you left your body up and dive.Ather that we had to swim in a hoop,It was easy and hard as it was at the bottom of the pool so you had to dive deep.Ather we got a noodle and did a horse race.We said bye as this was the last week and went back to LS1.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Procedure planner

LI: to write a procedural text
Today I had finshed this peice of work.It had to be done by one person,Well doing this we had to use what the instructions are so it could help us for our work.We could do our own topics.Mine was how to set up a telescop.We also had to use TEMPS.If you do not know what temps are,this is what it is.T is for title.E is for end reslut.M for what you will need and P is for pictures.And lasty S stand for steps.The task over all was not that hard and was fun because we could do our own topic and write our own steps about what our topic.

Kiwi Can

LI : To have fun
Today group A went to kiwi can.We all went to kiwi can,because it was fun week we all could choose what we could do.We choose tangled and invisable rugby.We started to play invisable rugby and won.The score for us was 6 -3,We were going to play tangled but it started to rain outside where we played inbisable rugby.So we walked back inside so we could play a new game.It was called handball.The goal was to get the ball to the other side.It was fun and we this time was so close to lossing.If you dont know any of the rules for invisable rugby this is what the rules are.You are in two teams and have to get the rugby ball to the other side.Also handball is a game where there is a ball in the middle and you number will be called out.


LI : To learn how to comment.
Today me and other people did cybersmart.We learnt how to make good commenting by greeting,Say that you did something similar and other things.The person that commented on was sulia.

Friday, 21 September 2018


Today I learnt my times table


Today I played a game called keyboarding drills.I got to the 3rd level.

Defensive structures

LI : To learn defensive structures
On Tuesday LS1 had another speacial guest.He name was Mr Ching and he looked ather bombs and other things.He told us the defensive structures He told us the things that are used to make a good base.They dont use metal as it costs alot,They use rocks as it is easy to make and does not cost alot.They do ones that have a bit of metal in them.They use miniguns and other things to shot down planes and missles.He also told us about dumb bombs,It was dumb beacause it only went the way you shot it.The guilded warhead used things to guild it hint it name.We then got into groups of five and went to make this.


LI : To learn about vocabulary around time.
Today I made a slideshow around time.We had to use images and say what they are.Like pm and am,This task had to be done by one person and over all was not hard to make.We had to use the same 8 words from last week and include them in this slide show.All of the things that I use were eather from last week or today.This task tock me a thew days to make and when it was finshed we had to cheak it before we show the teacher.We used some websites for ideas of what we could use for the slide show.I liked this week task.


LI : To learn about tunnels.
Today I made a dlo about tunnels.This task could be done with two people or just by one person.I wanted to do this by myself.The task over all was kind of easy,What we did was we went onto three websites.Each had infomation about tunnles.Like how are they made and how do they help people.I choose three things like about tunnles,How tunnles work and how to build a tunnel.We could make a slide show about the tunnles or a google drawing,I wrote how many ways to make a tunnels and the layout or just what can go in the tunnels.Like the lights and what to use.

Born to fly

LI : To understand the purpose of a narrtive.
Today I finshed this is a reading note slide.I got a book well a small one and it was called born to fly,We could do this task with two people.It was it hard abit,Next week we have to make a real slide show.The task also started on monday.We had had to explain what happend in the story like the main events and the people in the story.The hardest part in the slide show was visualising because it will take a long time.So like me and other people did not do it.My buddie I was with is hosea,The task also had to be on another slide show so I could not send it to him.

Thursday, 20 September 2018


LI: to identify the structure and language features of a procedural text.
Today we had to make three posters.About topics,They were not the same.Well making the poster we had to do things like TEMPS this was mostly in all my posters.T stands for title E for ending M for materails P and s stand for pictures and stepsWe had to also learn about features about posters and procedural text..It was easy and this task started on monday.This had to be done by one person.We each had to go on website on our school site and fine the infomation and TEMPS well doing the task.The two task where Build,Directions and scones.this task also tock a while to make.

Kiwi Sport

LI : To learn about swimming.
Today the Y5's went to swimming.We frist did the roll and went into the pool.We rolled form front to back,This is how it worked.We counted to 6 and changed so we can breathe.The next thing we did was duck diving,And free style arms for duck diving we left our body up and dived back down.We next went down deep and went into a hoop and a kick practise were we kicked our legs really fast.Ather that we learnt to do slow arms but really fast legs form the hips.We soon did a dolphin kick,And to go deep or go up.We gave a high five and went on a bus back to school.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Kiwi can

LI : To Persevere in kiwi can
Today me and half of LS1 went to kiwi can ,we made four lines before went outside to play a game.We had to go in a small space and try to run away form the taggers we also had to no give up or be mad on someone that tagged us.We perseverd,I was so close to winning the frist round but yet so far.This game was fun and we learned new things to help us win.I got tagged and like other people.If you got tagged you had to make a circle,If you were the end of the circle you could tag people.We talked about our theme and topic.We played a new game,We had a ball well invisible and had to go to another side.My team won.

Michel muilpola

LI : To learn about michel muilpola's life.
On tuesday I and other classes went to the hall for a speaical person.We all sang a song,Then the speaical person was michel muilpola.He was a comic person and pro gamer for teken and westler.He started making comic books when he was a kid,The reason that he started making comics is because of school journals.He also loved westlers and weslen,So he started making books about weslen and some of the people or pro westlers started to know about his books and fans.This made him be weslte and get more fans.He was also wanted by WWE because of his comic books.He took the job and WWE, loved the comic book that they ask if he could make a new comic book.He tock this and became a weslter.Ather that he played teken and got in the top 12%.We got books and went back to LS1

Friday, 14 September 2018


Today I commented on zepplins blog post.


Today I went on prototec and did my times tables they were mixed.


Today I played keyboarding drills.

in the beginning

LI: to identify the purpose of narratives.
Today I finshed this slideshow about a book called in the beginning.We had to make the slideshow about a story that we picked the one that I picked was called in the beginning.This task was fun but had to be done by one person.The main parts of the slide show are the lesson and the story.The video tells about the story as well.We frist made another slideshow to write down things about the story like what we learned and what was hard to understand.The hardest part for me was the lesson because its hard to understant the lesson.

Thursday, 13 September 2018


LI : To learn how to swim
Today I and year fives went to swimming.We got in our places and did a roll before we merged with another group.We all got small boards and made waves.I was the frist one and I had to go to one side to another.It was hard then new people had to try to get to one end to another.We all lined up on a wall and started to climb up.We walked to a small version of the pool.We had to make one big circle and move around.The frist try was hard but the next one we knew to stand up and run fast to a side well keeping our feet up.The third try we did it and it was good.We spined the circle fast.We also layed down on our back and tryed to not touch the ground.We did this a last time and it was like the others.We said bye before we left and walked to the bus.

Procedural writing

LI: to identify the structure and language features of a procedural text.
Today I had to make a poster about procedural text.The task was fun and had to be done by one person.We frist went in a group of 4 before we had to make the poster,We had to tell someone how to get to the school office.When it was done we had to say what a verb is,3rd person and simple language.We had to say the features of a procedural text.Then ather we say does procedural mean.If you dont know what what procedural mean it means like telling someone how to do something like make noodles.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018


LI : To know about roads.
Today me and matthew made this slideshow.We had to know the driffence on roads.We watched a video telling us the types of road and what they do.We had to do 9 roads.The ones we did was streets,place,close,drive,Avenue,arcade,crescent and lasty road.We also added near the end how roads are designed.The task was fun as well.We had to get in a duo and watched the videos telling us how roads are made and the other types of roads there are.The task started on tuesday and tock us about 2 hours just to make this.

Kiwi Can

LI : To persevere
Today LS1 went to kiwi Can.We talked about our new topic form last week,We frist played a game where we had to make a circle.It was called math master and we had do rock paper scissors,How many hands or fingers we put up we had to add them to get the number.If we got it right we had to move on to someone new,The frist round was had but we had 2 more.If we went down we had new ideas on how we can stay up longer.I never won but did good.The next game we did persevered us to keep on trying.We had to make a tower out of cards.We had 5 minutes and we came 3rd.We talked about our topic and how hard it is to bounce back or not rage at something.We did our points and went back to LS1.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018


LI : To show a normal day
Today I made slideshow about what a normal day more me is.It show when my school end and when I get up.The task had to be done by one person and was fun doing it.We frist went to the teacher to learn about time and the other times there are like 24 clocks anloge,Digtal and so more other things.We all got a toy clock and had to go on a PDF and figger out the time of the digtal time.So if it was 4:30 we had to aline our clock with the time that it said.Then we learnt about that the small hand moves with the big hand.The task over all tock a while to do but was also fun.Well also doing the task for the slide we had to say how many minutes have passed and say how many hours as well.

Friday, 7 September 2018


Today I commented on zepplins blog post.

Math monster

Today I played math monster.I learned my 5s then 4s.

Dancing mat

Today I played dancing mat. it was really fun and we learned how to typed faster.

Kiwi Can

On wensday we all went to kiwi can.We had a new topic,We all frist Played a game we got a hula hoop and threw it to a cone each cone had points from 20 to 100 our team .Then we started to talk more about our topic.Then a new game had us put in four station had a task that we had to do.We talked more about our new topic and said bye to kiwi can and went back to LS1

Kiwi Sport

LI : To learn swimming skills
On thursday We all went to swimming.The frist thing that we did was sculling on our back then we did feet frist sculling And we had to put our feet up and not kick our feet had to be looking ford.We then went to the deep side and had to move our arms and legs so we can stand up then jump into water no belly floping and cannonball and then swim as far as we can without touching the ground

Tongan Langauge week

LI : To learn about tonga
Today we went to LS2 it was fun and we had to learn about another langauge.We had to make a google drawing about tongan numbers days of the week and many more options.We had to work and threes and it was fun doing the task in people that we have may or have not met before.The subject that we choose was days of the week it was easy and was kind of hard at the same time.along with it we had to make a person that looks like there tongan.


LI : investigate the relationship between the perimeter and area of rectangles
Today me Vayan karlos and lorenzo had to do maths well we had to finshed on what we started on monday.The task was that we had to go to stations and read things that told us what to do.The task was fun and hard as we had 2 days to get this done.We used square tiles to cut so we can finshed the task.The hardest one for me was the house as the squares had to be even.

A Piece of paradise

LI: to identify the purpose of narratives.
Today I had to make a DLO about a book called a piece of paradise.The task had to had a video and the story of the book.This task had to done by yourself,The task was fun and was hard at the same time as the book I did was hard,I did not get the meaning at frist but when I read it over and over I know what it means,It means that somethings have to be done togther and not by one person.You should not fight who did it and say that you both made it.


LI : To make a narrtive.
Today I made and finshed this narrtive.It was fun making it,We had to make a clear title that explanes most of the story.We also had to make pictures,To show what its like to be in that story.The task was not hard because we had to be in a duo to check on each others work before we went up to show our work to the teachers.The task over all tock weeks to make because of planning and other things.

Thursday, 6 September 2018


LI : To learn about Roads.
Today I played some games that talked or showed us the roads and triffic lights.The game I played talked about and showed us traiffic lights,The goal of the game was to get the highest level but also have cars and people not brake or die.We had to use our brain to think where the cars are going to go and think are the cars going to carsh.The game showed how hard sometimes it is to contorl a triffic light.Here is the game that I played.We also could choose 3 games or play all three,I played all three and all was hard,And the game was fun and told me a lot.The reason why we played these games is to teach us what will happen if we dont have traffic lights Car crashs will happen.We also made a video that shows roundabouts and other things that are in a city.The secound game I played showed the same thing as the frist.We had to contorl the traffic lights in order to get the cars safely to the other side.The third showed how roads work and how cars get to one place to another.