
Friday, 23 June 2017

About Matieda

About Matieda

Learning Intention LI to interact and comprehend a range of narrative texts

What did you learn? i read the book of matieda and i had learned new things

How did you learn? by make a google draw

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-23 at 9.34.49 AM.png

  • Reading

Choose the subject:
  • Reading

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Title Techology

Learning Intention to find something that is tec system or a piece tec

What did you learn? new thing about other things

How did you learn? by going on google slides

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-21 at 6.38.16 PM.png

  • Inquiry

Choose the subject:

  • Inquiry
Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs

Story organiser

Title Story organise

Learning Intention To plan and write narratives quickly.

What did you learn? how to make a good story

How did you learn? by using Story organiser

Screenshot 2017-06-21 at 12.15.23 PM.pngEmbedded Digital Learning   
  • Writing
Choose the subject:

  • Writing

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

4 ways of doing maths

Title 4 ways of doing maths

Learning Intention To solve Addition question’s using tidy numbers and place value

What did you learn? how to solve a question

How did you learn? by using  ways of doing maths

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-20 at 10.21.11 AM.png

Choose the subject:

  • Maths

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

number bonds, times tables, fractions, addition, subtraction

Roald dahl

Title Roald dahl

Learning Intention LI to interact and comprehend a range of narrative texts

What did you learn? new facts about Roald dahl  

How did you learn? by going on matilda the worksheet

Embedded Digital Learning Object  
Screenshot 2017-06-20 at 12.04.18 PM.png
  • Reading
Choose the subject:
  • Reading

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

Friday, 16 June 2017

Smart commenting

Title Smart commenting

Learning Intention to do a Smart commenting

What did you learn? to do a Smart comment

How did you learn? by going on inbox and going on  Room 10 at TPS

Screenshot 2017-06-16 at 11.09.25 AM.png
Embedded Digital Learning Object


  • Cybersmart

Choose the subject:

  • Cybersmart

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

water cycle, ecosystem, flight, Asia

Compare and Contrast

Title:Compare and Contrast

Learning Intention To define a piece of technology and to define technological system

How did you learn? by using the Compare and Contrast

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-16 at 10.00.52 AM.png

Choose the subject:

  • Inquiry

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

water cycle, ecosystem, flight, Asia


Title subtraction

Learning Intention To investigate unit of volume and capacity

What did you learn?
to subtraction using to 3 strategies

How did you learn? by using our maths book

Embedded Digital Learning Object 16 Jun 2017 09:29:32.jpg 
Choose the subject:

  • Maths

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

number bonds, times tables, fractions, addition, subtraction

baby bear EVENTS

Title baby bear EVENTS

Learning Intention To write a narrative sequence of events.

What did you learn? how to make a good sequence of events

How did you learn? by using the Story organiser

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-15 at 2.37.28 PM.png
Choose the subject:

  • Writing

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

matieda work

Title matieda work

Learning Intention: to interact and comprehend a range of narrative texts

What did you learn? everything about the characters  matieda and the other ones

How did you learn? by going the on Novel Study.

Embedded Digital Learning Object

Screenshot 2017-06-09 at 10.28.02 AM.png
  • Reading
Choose the subject:
  • Reading

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

Monday, 12 June 2017


Title a piece of technology & a technology system

Learning Intention to define a piece of technology & to define a technology system

What did you learn? about pieces of technology and more!

How did you learn? by using google drawing

Embedded Digital Learning ObjectScreenshot 2017-06-12 at 2.15.19 PM.png

Screenshot 2017-06-12 at 2.15.04 PM.png

Friday, 9 June 2017

Novel Study.

Title matieda work

Learning Intention interact and comprehend a range of narrative texts

What did you learn? everything about the characters  matieda and the other ones

How did you learn? by going the on Novel Study.

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-09 at 10.28.02 AM.png

  • Reading
Choose the subject:
  • Reading

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

maths work

Title Maths work

Learning Intention to use place value

What did you learn? using the number line and using our number bonds

How did you learn? by using the number and our number bonds

Embedded Digital Learning Object Screenshot 2017-06-09 at 9.50.14 AM.pngChoose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:

number bonds, times tables, fractions, addition, subtraction

Story organiser PLAN

Title: Baby bear

Learning Intention: To write a narrative solution. & To use similes in our writing.

What did you learn? how to make a good narrative solution

How did you learn? i learned by using the Story organiser PLAN

Screenshot 2017-06-09 at 7.28.51 AM.png

Raz kids

Title: Raz kids

Learning Intention: to read a lot and stars

What did you learn?: about a lot of things like H   2

How did you learn?: by using Raz kids

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

Choose the subject:

  • Reading


  • Reading

Embedded Digital Learning Object

Screenshot 2017-06-01 at 1.40.09 PM.png

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Raz kids

Title: Raz kids

Learning Intention: to read a lot and stars

What did you learn?: about a lot of things like H   2
How did you learn?: by using Raz kids

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions

Choose the subject:
  • Reading

  • Reading

Embedded Digital Learning Object

Screenshot 2017-06-01 at 1.40.09 PM.png