
Wednesday 14 March 2018


LI : To make a recount about the art we did last week

Today I made a reocunt about the art we did last week,I made all of it using TREE we also had to make sure it was ok by Mr wong we also had to use full stops and commas's and we also had to make sure we also did it in our recount.

It was our first day doing the art we had to make a dlo of andy warhol and his art and about him,Like when he was born and what he did the first thing we did it to outline the our photo the photo was black and white I had to do everywhere but not the nose,it was a mistake I made but it could be redone the mistake,I had to make it so the that it was all outlined so when that was done I was going to be dead because it had to stand out when we did the trasspaersean when I did that my fingers did not want to work but I still had more to do ather that step

we had to keep on doing the Andy Warhol art,Well looking threw the art andy warhol did all of it looked nice I thought that mine might look like that but no at the end of the day we got some of the info for and Andy Warhol done.Day two comes a long Mr O says we well be doing this the whole day I thought that I might die but hey you yes you i'm still alive the other step (3) ways to get a piece of paper on top of a piece of paper! we had to see the dark lines on top of the paper we also had to do really had dark lines not to hard that it well break,We had to do this for three mins most.Than the end of school comes.

Day three we have three more steps we had to show Mr Wong the paper so to see if it was all right my first  try was good than we had to passtel the whole piece of paper well not every bit only the light bits and stay inside the lines then when we did it we had to go and get the paint it was really fun but I had to make sure I stayed inside the lines when that was done I had to get a vivid and than it was fully done.

At the end I was happy about the art

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