LI- To understand corresponding fraction, decimals and percentages.
Today we did fractions,We had to make a copy of two google drawings.We had to fine out the percentages, of the fractions and the decimal numbers, for the fraction.Like this 1/2 will be 50% because it is a half.We could to slove it by using our times, table and we had to use materials.Such as blocks/cubes sticks,pie shapes and so on.The cubes and the sticks, were easy to do and use,The task had to be done by ourselfs.Also the task was kinda easy and a bit hard,The decimals were one of the most eazyst for me to slove.Also if your were stuck on the task you can get help form the teacher to help slove it.For all of the materials were sticks and for the last part I used counters.To show two wholes.
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